If you would like to receive a listing of the most updated company names, please E-mail to info@aall-zyleman.com or call us at 852- 28612222.
Take a look at our Hong Kong company names as well as those of other jurisdictions. All company names have been carefully chosen that we do not mind using them ourshelves.
Name | Date of Incorporation |
Jul 5, 2018 |
SOUTH SEA ENTERPRISES LIMITED 南川企業有限公司 | May 14, 2019 |
® = reserved # = incorporated by our associated co. Morgan & Morgan (HK) Ltd.
Setting up a new company with your proposed name will be at the same cost. Name registration process takes about 10 days subject to name availability.
Business Registration fee has to be reimbursed if it was paid by us.
Registration and filings of first directors, secretary (NC1), shareholders with shares transfer and allotment and registered address will cost HK$800.- extra. We can also set up offshore companies in other jurisdictions eg. BVI, Bahamas, Belize, Panama and United States.
+ Older company (not within the current calendar year) must add extra fees the renewal maintenance fee
* Setting up a new company with your proposed name will also be at the same cost. The name registration process takes about 10 working days subject to name approval.
Payment method:
Cash, US dollar cheques were drawn on the US, HK dollar cheques at an exchange rate of US$1.- = HK$7.8 are acceptable.
Wire transfer can be sent to Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited at 1/F, Standard Chartered Bank Building, 4-4A, Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong, Swift Code: SCBL HK HH XXX, A/C#447-106-4298-1 USD of Aall & Zyleman Company Limited (Payment details: quote invoice or co. name you purchased)
Mastercard/Visa card settlement through a paypal account can be accepted.
Name | Date of Incorporation |
NO STOCK AVAILABLE (may ask for a current list from BVI office instead) |
® = reserved
# Older company will be charged at a different rate.
*BVI companies to be newly incorporated normally takes not more than 12 days from submission of company names (if names approved) to receipt of the corporate documents.
The shelf companies incorporated after Jan. 1 2006 will be subject to new BVI Business Companies Act “BCA” which provides no par value share on the M&As that offers flexibility to the capital requirements.
*US$880.-(covering incorporation and domiciliary services until next renewal.)
* Register of the director is required to be filed at extra filing fees (US$175) per each submission.
P. S. Chinese names can be added and registered on the M&As of the newly incorporated companies at your request at extra Notary Public cost.
The annual fee from 2nd calendar year will be at *US$750.- covering annual license and domiciliary services. One box file with full register contents, copies of M&As with 2 duly stamped by Registrar, Bearer or Registered Shares Certificates, Appointment of First directors, Subscriber and First directors’ minutes, BVI Registered agent/office, Government license of first calendar year, Corporate seal and rubber stamp will be provided for each company.
We also have companies incorporated in other jurisdictions i.e. Delaware, Wyoming, Ireland, The Bahamas, Panama, Belize, Marshall Islands, Liberia, etc. For full information and further details, please call us immediately.